Vendor Frequently Asked Questions
Burlington Farmers Market organizes events throughout the year as two distinct seasons:
Summer Market at 345 Pine Street (starts in May, on Mother’s Day weekend, to the last Saturday of October) - 25 to 26 Saturday Markets
Winter Market - the market is currently held at Burlington Beer Co. every other week from mid-November to the end of April from 111am-2pm
All new and provisional vendors apply each year to the Summer and/or Winter Market. Applications are posted for each season with deadlines in March for the Summer season and September/October for the Winter season. Check the website to see when the deadline is set. Once a deadline is announced the date is fixed as we receive hundreds of applications to review for a limited number of spots. Our application fee is $27.
Before applying, please review our Mandatory Vendor Standards as these are the criteria our vendors meet to sell their produce and goods at the Burlington Farmers Market. Also, review our Bylaws and Market Guidelines.
Once you apply, the Market Director presents your applications to the Steering Committee. Market representatives within the Steering Committee are consulted on specifics of an applicant’s products and the Steering Committee deliberates on who is accepted in the Market for that season.
Vendor seniority is determined by a points system. Points are assigned based on the number of seasons a vendor has been with the market, combined with the number of markets they attended each season. More details on how points are awarded can be found in section 7) of our guidelines.
There are three main vendor types: Permanent Vendor Members, Day Vendors, and Provisional Vendors.
Permanent Vendor Members pay annual membership dues. They are able to serve on the Steering Committee and choose their spot at the market based on seniority.
Day Vendors fill in vacancies on any given market day. They collect seniority points, but are not able to serve on any committees. As a day vendor you may be asked to attend every market, or to be on call throughout the season.
Provisional Vendors have formally been offered a full season trial. They do not pay membership, and the year will contribute to seniority points should they become a Permanent Vendor Member.
Agricultural vendors sell food, fiber, plants, or flowers, and value added agricultural products that were grown in Vermont by the vendor or the vendor’s employees.
Prepared Food vendors sell ready to eat food or drink OR processed/packaged food prepared by the vendor in Vermont in a home of licensed community kitchen.
Craft vendors sell items that are hand crafted in Vermont by the vendor in their home or shop.
If you have a reserved space at the market you must notify the market manager by 6pm on Thursday (at the latest) if you cannot attend the Saturday market.
All vendors are required to carry business insurance covering $1,000,000 Personal Liability, and $2,000,000 General Aggregate. Burlington Farmers’ Market must be listed as a Certificate Holder and as Additionally insured.
Prepared Food Vendors must have a license from the VT Department of Health.
Any vendor selling food by the pound must use certified legal-for-trade scales. The State of Vermont Department of Wrights and Measures will inspect scales at random throughout the summer.
Make sure you follow the one way driving directions as shown on the space map.
You must park as soon as you have unloaded.
Vendors are required to be set up and ready to go by 9am.
Don’t forget your tent weights! Each leg must be anchored down with at least 24lbs. Umbrellas require 50lbs.
Vendors must stay at the market from 9am - 2pm.
Any trash you generate must be taken home.
Leave your space as you found it - pick up all trash and debris and take it home with you.
Don’t forget to submit your weekly gross revenue sales to the market manager. This year (Summer 2023) you will be able to submit these numbers online or on a card.
The guidelines exist to make the market a safe place to be and to promote equity amongst our vendor community.
Vendors found to be breaking the guidelines will be given three warnings. Upon receiving three warnings, the vendor may have their BFM membership and right to sell at either seasonal market revoked without a refund of any kind.
Most answers can be found in our By-Laws and Guidelines. If you still have questions after that, feel free to reach out to the market manager - manager@burlingtonfarmersmarket.org
Let the market manager know if there are other questions you’d like to see listed on this page.